Wednesday, 15 August 2012

fb shortcut keys

 Here are few shortcuts ;)

List of  Facebook Shortcut Keys :

Facebook Help Center – Shift+Alt+0
 Facebook Home Page – Shift+Alt+1
Your Facebook Profile Page – Shift+Alt+2
Friend Request – Shift+Alt+3
 Messages – Shift+Alt+4
 Notification – Shift+Alt+5
 Account Settings – Shift+Alt+6
Privacy Settings – Shift+Alt+7
Facebook Pages – Shift+Alt+8
Facebook Terms of Use – Shift+Alt+9
 Enable Search – Shift+Alt+?
Compose a New Message – Shift+Alt+m

convert text to audio using notepad

wanna convert your text to audio using your notepad......:)

         >  Open Notepad.
  1. Copy and paste the below mentioned code (which is coloured)

      Dim msg, sapi
      msg=InputBox("Enter your text-","mymagic")
      Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
      sapi.Speak msg
  2. Save this file with any name with .vbs as extension. For example: computerzmagic.vbs

Nopw you have to open the saved file and in the tab appeared type the text which you want to convert to audio and press enter.....thats it..the fun begins.....

Friday, 27 July 2012

Make Your Chat Interesting By Sending Your Profile Pic

 wanna send your profile pic to your friend through the chat box and make your chatting more and more interesting......this one is really amazing.......
To do this you just need to follow simple steps and your user ip address which in your addres bar  which can done easily........
Follow the given steps...
> Login to you fb account
> now copy your IP address
       eg: is your address
       so name.t.19 is your IP address, copy it.
>[[IP address]], now paste your Ip adress in the place of IP address mentioned in the brackets..............
>press enter
> now you can observe that your profile pic in the chat box has been sent to your friend ;)
HOw do you feel it.........:D :D

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Google Sphere


                     As you seen some of the tricks by google in the previous posts like  
                                                    top-most-google-tricksinternet-tricks    and 
here is another small trick for is known as google can rotate through the google sphere using your mouse and also you can browse through it...........................
this is developed by    MRDOOB  ...............
to know the trick follow through the link or you can type google sphere in search bar and go through the first link..............;)
I think you like this what is your reaction to this buddies..............

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Top most google tricks(internet tricks)

Hello have already known some google tricks like zerg rush, bluemoon..etc; still there are awesome google tricks with which you can play,  funny to listen right! but it can be done. check this amazing stuff..................
               you can directly connect to that tricks by going through the specified links
Important point to observe this tricks is you need to go to first link present in the list of websites....
then automatically the magic begins
1. Google gravity

go through this link to reach the effect directly, or else follow the simple one step

Open, Type Google Gravity in the search box and go to the first link present in the list of links(or you can select iamfeeling lucky>> after typing this) .Feel the effect of gravity on google. you can play with this by lifting them with your mouse.............have fun.........
though the sliders are fell apart but still you can type your address there and can search for is the tricks buddies.............

2. Epic Google
                                    Go through this link to reach this effect directly
                                                           or else
Open google, Type Epic Google in the search box . Then go through the first link in the diplayed page.Each component on the page will start growing bigger and bigger as it going to blast ...;)
3. Google Hacker

  Type Google Hacker in the search box. go through the first link on the diplayed page. There you will find different codes, like if they were the secret codes so that no one can understand. ;)
4. Annoying Google

Open, Type Annoying Google in the search box and click. now you can browse through it.
5. Meaning Of Search For Google

Open google, Type search in the search box . you can surf through it.It directly takes you to another search engine....where it is not possible in others.
6. Loneliest Number

Open googl, Type loneliest number in the search box and click on Search button. Find out which number is the loneliest number according to google.
  7.Google Loco

Open google,  Type Google loco in the search box . you can observe that the letters appear to be dancing....


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Make Your Keyboard as your MOuse

is your mouse not working properly........and if there is a urgent work on your untill you wait to buy a new mouse.itz better to use your a mouse..........
make your keyboard as a mouse if your mouse is not working properly......

there are very simple steps to do this .......

Windows XP Users:-
    > open control panel
    > go to  switch to classic view (which is present on the top left of your opened page)
    > click on accesibility options
    > click on mouse tab
    > now you should select use mouse keys
    > click settings..
    > now press(alt+leftshift+numlock button)
    > when you do this you will find a meesage to confirm to use your keyboard as a mouse
    > click ok...
Now you can move your cursor by using right side number keypad..........
                    and the process is over, so now you can move the arroe pointer using your keyboard arrow keys..........
 fow windows 7:

  1.   Start button __Control Panel__clicking Ease of Access__Ease of Access Center __Make the mouse easier to use.
  2. Under Control the mouse with the keyboard, select the Turn on Mouse Keys check box.

You can also increase the acceleration and speed of your mouse movements according to your needs.

You can alternately press the Alt+Shift+Num Lock combination to instantly activate the mouse keys.