Saturday, 7 July 2012

Create a Harmless Funny Virus with Notepad-Continuously eject CD/DVD drives when you put cd/dvd in the cd/dvd drive

This is the trick with notepad which will be useful to eject cd  continously and harmless
copy and paste the below code in notepad and save it as virus.vbs

Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection

if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

Matrix Falling Code Effect - Notepad CMD (.BAT) Tricks

this is the coolest trick which is exteremly popular. to do this open notepad . copy and paste the below code and save it as "matrix.bat"and open it.....
@echo off
color 02
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto tricks

* if you want different colors change the number i.e; 2 

Notepad tricks

Windows XP Shortcuts

  • To switch between the open windows press ALT + TAB.
  • To cycle through the item in their opening order press ALT + ESC.
  • To display shortcut menu for window ALT + SPACEBAR.
  • To display start menu press the flag button between CTRL and ALT or press CTRL + ESC.
  • F10 activates the menu bar in the active program. RIGHT ARROW opens the next menu to right and LEFT ARROW opens the next menu to left.
  • F5 to refresh the webpage in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
  • To cancel the current task press ESC.
  • To prevent the auto play feature in CD – ROM press SHIFT when you insert a CD into the CD – ROM drive.
  • Use BACKSPACE to open a folder one level up.
Shortcuts for the Dialog Box
  • To move forward in the tabs use CTRL + TAB.
  • To move backward in the tabs use CTRL + SHIFT + TAB.
  • To move through the options use TAB.
  • To move backward in the option use SHIFT + TAB.
  • To display help press F1.
  • To display items in active list press F4 key.
  • WINDOWS LOGO + BREAK to display system properties.
  • WINDOWS LOGO + D to display desktop.
  • WINDOWS LOGO + M to minimize all windows.
  • WINDOWS LOGO + SHIFT + M to maximize windows
  • WINDOWS LOGO + E will open My Computer.
  • WINDOWS LOGO + F will open a search window.
  • WINDOWS LOGO + F1 to go for windows help.

windows dirty trick

Lock your folder in XP and Vista without any software

Do u want to lock the folder which you want privacy,,,,,,so do this  process
steps to be followed .
1. make a new folder of your own
2.inside this folder make a  ( TXT )( in notepad) file
3. now copy the below matter exactly which is bold

Quote: cls
title Folder Private
if EXIST “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p “cho=>”
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
attrib +h +s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p “pass=>”
if NOT %pass%== password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
ren “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

 3- After you have copied the entire code, go to line 23 . u will find this word : password (in place of you can type your own password which you want)
eg: if NOT %pass%== computerzmagic goto FAIL
//so ur password here becomes computerzpoint .//
4- After that go to save as & name this file aslocker.bat
5- Now back to the folder & you will find a ( LOCKER ), (locker.exe)
6- Double Click on it & you will find a new folder (Private )
7- Ok ,, now copy what u want in this “private Folder” & after that come out of the folder, and Double click on locker again. It will open and ask if you want to lock your folder? Y/N ?
8- Type Y. your private folder will disappear.
9- If you want to UNLOCK your folder, go to (locker) & type your pass and you will see your private folder.
it not only hides the folder, but incase, you unhide all files… and try opening it without entering password, it’ll take u to the control panel…
Also, if u want to store files on your Flash-Drive, you can use this script. No Software Required
Incase u delete your Locker file (just in case), then u can make a new one (but with the same password) and open it from that.
Alternatively, u can keep this locker file somewhere else, and when u want to open ur folder, only then bring it back to that place


do you want to have your own folder in my computer. so here is the small method for you
get your own folder in my computer.
Steps involved
Go to c drive
Create a new folder ( your name )
now go to command prompt (start -> Run -> CMD -> Ok) and type
subst z: c:\yourname

Now go to my computer and check it. You should see your folder at my computer.
to remove the drive just follow this simple step
go to command prompt and type
subst z: /d

renaming the multiple files at a time..... in xp

Guys if you want to rename the multiple files at a time there is a chance in xp.. so try this one..........

select all the files which you want to rename at a time and now press F2 key. Type the name which you want to keep which you want to keep for all your files and then press enter.
Now you will all the names of files has changed to your common file name with parantheses
for example,
                   if the names are very big like 128000_34433748_2383 and so on. If you want to change it
by pressing F2 key in to PC then the names will change to PC(1),PC(2)..................

Make Browsing safer when using Friends systems or using others system like cyber cafe

Keep the history unchanged, but temporarily disallow saving of histories, cookies, url names and everything.

Here is what you need to do.

Almost All the browsers has a concept called Private Browsing, Private Browsing helps not to save any information like histories, form entries, username, password, cookies, and everything you browsed for, so all the browsing entries can be unsaved for that particular time of browsing
For Chrome Users
1.       Click Settings ( Tool Icon on the top right corner of chrome)
2.       From the drop down, select “New Incognito Window

3.       You will now see a new window with a Detective Agent Logo on Top Left Corner, where you can make private browsing, credit card transactions, experiments, research, and anything that will not saved forever
4.       And when you close it, it goes normal, If you want to do Private browsing again, need to start from first

For Mozilla Firefox Users
1.       Click Firefox Button on the Left top corner
2.       Click “Start Private Browsing
3.       You will receive a alert box, click “Start Private Browsing” once again

4.       There you go, you will now see a new window that has changed color in the Firefox Button on the Left top corner enjoy private browsing, where you can make private browsing, credit card transactions, experiments, research, and anything that will not saved forever

For Internet Explorer Users
1.       Click Safety Menu on the Top right side of the Internet explorer
2.       Select “InPrivate Browsing

How to Hide Files Inside a Picture

do you how to hide the files inside a picture.this is really very cool and amazing..........:)

Microsoft’s Mystery Machine

future_comps_9bfuture_comps_9Not much info’s out there on the above ultra-wrapped screen but supposedly it’s a concept computer from Microsoft. Considering the thickness of the screen we’ll assume the computer-y bits are housed inside.
        There are already curved screens out there,  but this one both out-curves and out-cools it by a long shot. Let’s hope this screen-comp-combo surfaces soon… and, has as little relationship as possible with Microsoft Surface.



some people will have a problem while opening their C,D,E,F drives and they wont open and display some error message...................this is caused by the virus which stops the opening of to overcome like this
1. click on start button
2. click on run
3. type cmd it opens a command prompt and in that
4. type cd\ it goes to newline showing c drive

5. type " attrib-r-h-s autorun.inf "(without quotes)
6. then type "del autorun.inf" so your opening of c drive will be solved
7. like this do for all partitions
8. restart your pc to compltely overcome that problem
and the problem is solved.............:)

Restarting only windows

 This is a very small tip to you...when you are restarting your will take some  more time to here is a simple tip for it........

while restarting hold the shift key and       you will directly go to the windows booting

Relaxation music in pc


 if you want to  listen to relaxation music which comes  during xp installation  then on start button
2. click on run button
3. then type



Guys have you ever observed that all the matter you typed in the notepad is not readable.
you wanna know how it is possible.lets try this
1. Open notepad
2. Type "your pen has light" (without quotes)
3. Save and close
4. Again when you open you will find the magic
* you can type anything of same length

automatic update of time and date in notepad

 very nice tricks....simple


here you can use directly see the time if your pc has time problem
1. open notepad
2. on the very first line type   .LOG(type which is bold)
3. from 2nd line you can type anything and save it on your desktop or any where and close it
4. now when you open it you can see time and date there.
   if you saved on the desktop it would be easier to know time and date when ever you need just by one click

create automatic shut down in your pc


you can easily shut down your pc  by shortcut
1.Right click on free space on desktop
2. click new and in that click on shortcut.
3. In the appeared box type
    For a shortcut to RESTART Windows XP:
SHUTDOWN -r -t 01

For a shortcut to SHUT DOWN Windows XP:
SHUTDOWN -s -t 01
so by this you can easily shutdown your pc just in a few seconds

screen keyboard

 this is used when your keyboard is not  working properly. so you can use in case of keyboard problems

u will get a keyborad on screen enjoy by typing on that.;)



hi! friends to watch starwars movie in your pc do this process(it works only in xp users)
1. click "start" button
2. click on "run" in start window
3.type telnet then a cmd window will open
4.In that type"o" and press enter
5. again type "" and press enter
 now enjoy the star wars movie........for a few minutes....have a nice day

shaking browser trick

 may be this wont work for all.......

paste this java script in your address bar and press enter
javascript:function Shw(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 35; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i);self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} Shw(6)
 now enjoy the shaking of broser buddies...........

*you can also replace 35 with any number and shaking depends on the number u have kept.....
i think for newer browsers like chrome it wont works.....because ...their techicians have created to aviod this type of shaking*



if u want to create a hidden icon,
1..Right click on the icon  which u want to hide,  
2.Rename it by holding alt button and the press 0160
 * while u r typing 0160 holding alt button it will not be visible
3.Right click on that folder and go to properties
4.go to customize tab  in that click on change icon
5. now there wil be an empty place in between the icons on it and press enter
now u can see that folder is hidden......:) enjoy it......

computer fun


This is the best  prank  to confuse anyone.........
1. Press "print screen sysreq" on your keyboard
2. Then open paint
3. Click on the "edit" button which is present on the top left
4. In that click on "paste" button
5. save it
6. open it and set as desktop background
7. now right click on the desktop and click on arrange icons by and deactivate the "show desktop icons"