- To switch between the open windows press ALT + TAB.
- To cycle through the item in their opening order press ALT + ESC.
- To display shortcut menu for window ALT + SPACEBAR.
- To display start menu press the flag button between CTRL and ALT or press CTRL + ESC.
- F10 activates the menu bar in the active program. RIGHT ARROW opens the next menu to right and LEFT ARROW opens the next menu to left.
- F5 to refresh the webpage in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
- To cancel the current task press ESC.
- To prevent the auto play feature in CD – ROM press SHIFT when you insert a CD into the CD – ROM drive.
- Use BACKSPACE to open a folder one level up.
Shortcuts for the Dialog Box
- To move forward in the tabs use CTRL + TAB.
- To move backward in the tabs use CTRL + SHIFT + TAB.
- To move through the options use TAB.
- To move backward in the option use SHIFT + TAB.
- To display help press F1.
- To display items in active list press F4 key.
- WINDOWS LOGO + BREAK to display system properties.
- WINDOWS LOGO + D to display desktop.
- WINDOWS LOGO + M to minimize all windows.
- WINDOWS LOGO + SHIFT + M to maximize windows
- WINDOWS LOGO + E will open My Computer.
- WINDOWS LOGO + F will open a search window.
- WINDOWS LOGO + F1 to go for windows help.
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